
Restaurant marketing ideas and trends


How a summer of bold marketing fueled a comeback at Chili's

An attack on the Big Mac and a pair of viral TikTok trends helped make Chili’s cool again. Now the challenge will be keeping it that way.


These 5 university campuses eat the most Chipotle

The fast-casual chain has a unique partnership with The Ohio State University because it's one of the top five schools that love Chipotle the most. We asked: What are the other four?

Reverse happy hours are turning late-night time slots from dead zone to business booster for some operators, while others are creating value-oriented promotions earlier in the day.

Meet the new Habit Burger & Grill. The name change is designed to celebrate the brand's diverse menu. RIP extraneous "the."

Marketing Bites: The chain is offering up a free Moving Box Table, providing a dining spot for those in the midst of a move.

Th 828-unit chain celebrates its anniversary with the glittering opening of a uniquely shiny location in Boston.

The retail giant is working with the fast-food chain to give members of its Walmart+ program 25% discounts on digital orders and free Whoppers every three months.

The chicken sandwich chain is reportedly planning to create its own streaming platform featuring mostly unscripted, family-friendly shows later this year.

The television personality known for judging talent is appearing in a new ad focusing on the pizza chain’s quality assurance.

The regulations bar restaurants and other businesses from paying for positive evaluations, posting their own ghost-written reviews or enticing favorable coverage from influencers with the promise of freebies.

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